13 Jul How to choose the right brand update for success
Many people think that building their brand is a once and done thing.
They think that once they’ve created a logo and chosen their colors, they will never need to go through the process again.
The truth is that branding is an ongoing process. Your brand is a living part of you and your business. It will need to adapt as your company grows to continue to reflect your core values.
Trends, innovations, technology, and customer demands are all constantly evolving as well. Your brand will need to adapt to these changes in order to remain successful and continue attracting new clients.
There are two main types of brand updates: rebrands and brand refreshes.
Rebrands vs Refreshes
Rebranding is where you completely change the entire look and feel of your brand. You will still sell the same products, but you will look completely different.
Rebrands should not happen too often or you could actually lose brand recognition. If you are constantly changing your logo or colors, it will be hard for your audience to identify you. I recommend that these happen no more frequent than every 10 years. There have been companies that have successfully gone 50+ years before they had their first rebrand.
If you are constantly changing your logo or colors, it will be hard for your audience to identify you.
A rebrand must be done correctly. A poorly done rebrand could be extremely detrimental to your brand. Always ask yourself if you are actually in need of a rebrand. Complicating your logo for the sake of change or changing too many brand elements at one time can actually scare your customers away.
A brand refresh is improving upon your current brand. If your company is currently hitting its goals and gaining brand loyalty, then a brand refresh will help you to stay competitive in your industry and remain successful.
Refreshing your brand is more than just tweaking the way your brand looks. Brand refreshes are about rethinking every aspect of your brand – strategy, mission, values, voice, even what your company does. While the foundation of your company will remain the same, determining the extent of the changes that you make to your brand is entirely up to you.
Brand refreshes should happen roughly every 2-5 years or as your company hits significant goals.

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So how often should you update your brand?
The truth is that there is no expiration date on your brand. Choosing when to update your brand is a very personal decision. Companies and brands are very different, even if they are in the same industry. This means that each company will have a different timeline for updating their brand as they see fit.
Making updates to your brand is also a very large undertaking. You will need to factor in the time and costs to update all of your marketing materials once your brand update is finished.
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